Anne Marie Turley, Painting
Artist Statement
A strong interest in realistic and interpretive drawing informs my artistic vision. I sometimes juxtapose line, shape and form in the same piece, see the rocks in Reach to the Sea and Cubits of Resistence, creating tension between abstraction and the illusion of three dimensional space on a two dimensional surface.
My process is influenced by subject matter and medium. Taking an example from my current focus in oil landscape, my approach includes taking photographs and making small works on site for later reference. After working on a series for a while in my studio, the artistic focus often shifts to my imagination and internal vision rather than from these references. One painting evolves from an earlier piece in a process that is experimental and emergent in vision and in execution.
Recent Awards, Honors, Newsworthy Activities
Through a federal grant and my affiliation with the Museum School, I began painting murals in public spaces in the Boston area and I completed over 80 mural commissions nationally with sites that include Louis of Boston and Timberland in San Francisco.